Sales of spare parts for 2CV and MEHARI

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Sales of spare parts for 2CV and MEHARI
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catalogue for 2CV and Mehari

As a reference for all enthusiasts for more than 40 years, our catalogue now includes most of our parts dedicated to the 2CV, saloon and van, but also to the Mehari, the Dyane and its van version called Acadiane. You will also find a large number of accessories (luggage, clothing, scale models, tools, maintenance products, various equipment, etc.).

One catalogue - 3 mythical cars

This catalogue, very practical to use, also includes a great deal of technical information, such as dozens of didactic diagrams illustrating the assembly of the main parts of your Mehari or 2CV, accompanied by references to the relevant catalogue pages and products. You will also find numerous tables allowing you to select the most suitable products for your vehicle according to its model and year. You will also be able to take advantage of complete colour charts to identify all the original body colours of the various 2CV and Mehari models throughout history.

A unique offer on over 270 pages

You will find, among the thousands of parts presented, all the exclusivities that make us special: our original parts, references for all collectors, but also our range of MCC products which, year after year, continues to give complete satisfaction to our professional and private customers. You will also discover every year a large choice of new products.

Our spare parts catalogue, an essential support

This 2CV / Mehari spare parts catalogue is the perfect complement to our website, which allows you to monitor our parts stocks on a daily basis and to order the part of your choice online.

Our EXPERTISE at the service of your PASSION

f you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us on +33 04 42 01 07 68 or to contact us by e-mail. Our teams are at your disposal to advise you on the maintenance or restoration of your vehicle, but also to answer all your questions with always the same philosophy: to maintain the excellence of the quality-price ratio of our parts and to assist you in the accomplishment of our common passion for these emblematic vehicles which are the 2CV, Mehari or Dyane.