Sales of spare parts for 2CV and MEHARI

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Sales of spare parts for 2CV and MEHARI
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Parts classification

We have different ranges to satisfy the expectations of the most demanding collectors and owners wanting quality parts at controlled cost. They include only original parts and original-quality parts.

With most of our products, icons indicate their range:

602 parts

602 parts are designed by the Mehari Club Cassis or its partner Burton and  combine performance and premium quality. They are recommended for intensive road use or motor sport usage. They are also intended for demanding owners who want to enhance or personalize their vehicle for more comfort or seductive appeal.

Original Parts

An original part is a part directly manufactured by Citroën or a Citroën subcontractor. So, by nature, it has the quality, reliability and perfect safety of the historic part, and is similar in all ways.


Our Cassis workshops also breathe new life into numerous original parts by a renovation as per good practice. These original parts, which are called Reborn and can be identified thanks to a specific picto, are thus recycled and contribute to our company’s commitment to limiting its environmental impact.

Original-Quality Parts

Original-quality parts are exclusive to the 2CV Méhari Club Cassis, and are manufactured in the strictest compliance with the Citroën specifications and tradition. They are made at Cassis or in France, using the historic Citroën machine tools, or using original materials or moulds.

Like original parts, original-quality parts guarantee an exemplary finish and reliability. Thanks to optimal adjustment, they enhance the vehicle and reduce the amount of time you spend on maintenance work compared with competing parts.

MCC Parts

The manufacture of each MCC (Méhari Club Cassis) part complies with the quality charter imposed by the manufacturer, in conformity with the operating agreements signed by Citroën France and the 2CV Méhari Club Cassis. Every MCC part guarantees unique value for money and long-term availability.

Adaptable Parts

An adaptable part is a copy of the original part that can resemble it. However, depending on its origin, it may not always offer the same ease of assembly, and may be of variable quality.